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When ordering please provide a range of at least 15hz so i can make the song as musically accurate as possible. Example if you order 25 to 30hz and the song requires 3 frequencies minimum i would have to do 25,27,30 which will not sound right because there is not enough of a difference in frequencies.

a couple things to note, ordering this does not guarentee that your request can be done, in the case that it can not i will refund your order or ask that you pick a different song. Im gonna go ahead and say that each request could have up to a month wait to be complete, that does not mean it WILL take a month but it could. edits will be sent to the email that the order is placed under so make sure you use an email you have access to.


here is a list of things i will likely not rebass;

- Live versions of songs can not be done at all

- i will not do any song over 6 or 7 minutes

- old country songs where the beat doesnt lign up consistantly

- rock and metal (with fast pace drum kicks)

- dubstep (fast pace)

- any song where the tempo of the song changes half way through or multiple times

- a recording of you and your buddies at karaoke night

- music from commercials (unless it is exceptionally funny)


things that i will rebass;

- most modern music

- most rap / hip hop

- anything that already slaps (at a different frequency)

- songs that will turn heads at shows


if you are not okay with any of this then do not order this item


if you have a high quality audio file email it to me at when you order


disclaimer: i am not responsable for damage to your equipment ,it is your responsibility to set your amplifier gains properly to not clip or overpower your speakers / subwoofers.

5X Custom Rebass (read description)

  • what I do is remove the original bass from the track using equalizers then add in my own frequencies to make the bass louder and lower or higher depending on what the customer wants


    rebass tech specs;

    -5 db on bass

    -0.5db on vocals (when applicable)

    MP3 format


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